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Geozeta.pl » Malawi - zabytki Listy Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO

Malawi - zabytki Listy Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO

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Zobacz cenę wizy do Malawi, oferujemy najniższe stawki pośrednictwa w uzyskaniu wiz.
Chongoni Rock-Art Area  
Situated within a cluster of forested granite hills and covering an area of 126.4 km2, high up the plateau of central Malawi, the area features the richest concentration of rock art in Central Africa on 127 sites. They reflect the comparatively scarce tradition of farmer rock art, as well as paintings by BaTwa hunter-gatherers who inhabited the area from the Late Stone Age. The Chewa agriculturalists, whose ancestors lived in the area from the late Iron Age, practised rock painting until well into the 20th century. The symbols in the rock art, which are strongly associated with women, still have cultural relevance amongst the Chewa, and the sites are actively associated with ceremonies and rituals.
Lake Malawi National Park  
Located at the southern end of the great expanse of Lake Malawi, with its deep, clear waters and mountain backdrop, the national park is home to many hundreds of fish species, nearly all endemic. Its importance for the study of evolution is comparable to that of the finches of the Galapagos Islands.
Źródło: whc.unesco.org
» Chongoni Rock-Art Area (en)
» Lake Malawi National Park (en)